With the debacle that occurred at the VMA's awards, I had to reflect on what was one of the more crucials points that had me raging.
It was the corruption of a "first time." Something that diluted that moment, took some of the blush away from rose.
Go back to some of your firsts. Things that had really great, poignant moments for you. Yes, there are tons of first bad memories, but that's not what I'm talking about today.
First plane ride - I thought it was the most awesome experience. I wanted to be a flight attendant after that. I thought they were so lucky to fly all the time.
First kiss - the anticipation, it was so analytical, should I close my eyes, am I doing it right, OMG! I can't believe I'm actually kissing.
First romantic movie - Sound of music. I was a little girl and wanted to be Maria.
First sale of my book - the editor calls and as she does small talk, I'm thinking - they don't usually call if they are going to reject. Then she finally said those words - congratulations, we want to buy your book. I wanted to hang up on her so I could call my husband.
Special moments do occur all the time. Life goes on. We put our good and bad experiences behind us. But during those quiet moments, when we are in a reflective mood, those first experiences are there to comfort, motivate, and guide us.
What are some "firsts" that bring a smile to your heart.