Monday, June 8, 2015

All in Good Time

I've got great news! It may be June, but I've finally found the key to the snow blower! And even though it's now summer, this discovery has caused much celebration in my house. Here's why:

In the depths of January, in my neck of the woods, Mother Nature saw fit to pile a lot of snow on my neighborhood. And I mean A LOT of snow. Naturally, that meant it was time to crank up the old snow blower. We'd bought this snow blower second-hand when we lived in Canada, so it's seen A LOT of use and I wouldn't be surprised to learn it's been throwing snow since I was in high school.

For reasons unbeknownst to me, this snow blower has an ignition key. Maybe that's to prevent Frosty the Snowman from sneaking into my garage, firing up the machine, and making his way down the street with it before cannibalizing it for parts. After all, he stole that silk hat he wears. Why should snow blower manufacturers trust him with their heavy equipment? I'm sure I don't know, but I suspect that may be why my snow blower has a key.

Through the years, the key has remained attached to the snow blower's handlebars by one of those little bead chains. You know the kind. They're often used to keep together things like dog tags. And speaking of dogs...

Last winter, we also adopted a new dog. He's a curious little beastie, eager to investigate everything that passes in front of his black, button nose. And most of the things he investigates end up in his mouth. 

He's also quite playful. And this is a good thing, since we adopted him, in part, as a companion to our more serious hound who is part tax attorney and part rodeo clown. Together, these partners in crime observed my every action as I guided the snow blower out of the garage that fateful day last January. They watched closely as I unlatched the key and inserted it in the ignition. And their eyes were on me when I moved to close the garage door.

I turned my back on those dogs for all of four seconds. Count 'em. One, two, three, four.

Behind me, I heard the horseplay commence. The dogs tumbled and wrestled alongside the snow blower before bounding off into the snowy yard. And when I reached the snow blower myself, the key was gone.

I searched for that key and searched for that key. When I couldn't find it near the blower, and I couldn't find it in the tracks the dogs made in the snow, I came to a dreaded conclusion: that rascally dog must've EATEN the key,

But time marches on.

This week, while moving the grass, I looked down and there it was--the key--nestled in the soil. Carefully, I picked it up. And, gentle reader, I'm thrilled to tell you the key does not appear to have passed through the digestive system of a canine.

What a life lesson! 

How many times have I wanted something to happen RIGHT NOW? How many times have I stressed and worked and fooled myself into thinking progress was entirely dependent on me? Do you know what I mean? Have you ever felt you could just get that promotion, meet that special someone, or snag that publishing deal, if you just worked harder, faster, longer? Has that drive given you permanent butterflies? Has it ever kept you up at night? And did things work out all in good time?


  1. Fun post, Nic. Yes, there is a total art to living in the moment, isn't there? Not worrying about lost keys, missed opportunities, should have beens, could have beens, and whatnot. My goal is to enjoy each segment of the journey as it comes. By nature, I am a hardwired worrier. I've been working on releasing stress by living in the moment. Not borrowing trouble, as many call it by looking to the future. Not pining of things that haven't come to me yet. Just trusting that I'm exactly where I need to be and that what's intended for me will come in the perfect time! So glad you found the key to the snowblower. Thanks for the reminder. Great lessons here. <3

    1. Thanks, Mackenzie! I love your phrase "hard-wired worrier." It sounds like it should be more fun than it probably is! Like you should be able to plug yourself into the wall outlet for boundless energy! Alas... But thanks for sharing your thoughts and being determined to be in the right place. That's an inspiration!

  2. I suspect the lesson I would have learned is "don't turn your back on the dogs," lol! I think yours is deeper, Nic!

    My stress usually comes from a lack of action on my part, rather than wishing for things to hurry up and arrive. That said, when I do find myself impatient for the future, I try to sing a few bars of Love The One You're With to remind myself to be mindful of my time and the people around me. Isn't there a saying about the present being a gift?

    1. Keely, I think you may be on to something. "Don't turn your back on the dogs" may be right up there with "the call is coming from inside the house." LOL! And that brings to mind one more saying as we talk about taking it one step at a time, being in the right place at the right time, and Love the One You're With. That's "dance with the one who brought ya!" Love it!

  3. That's so true that things will happen in good time. Sometimes I'm so impatient for things to hurry up and happen and the more I do that, the more it doesn't happen. Glad you found the key!

    1. You're right, Lisa. A watched pot never boils! But it's hard to hide your time, isn't it? Especially when it feel like it all comes down to us and hard work. Whew! But we can't rush Old Man Time. He marches at his own pace; it's true!
