so often we here at the Rockville 8 blog like to bring in a topic expert we
think our readers might learn from and enjoy. Twiddling my thumbs, I wondered
who the heck I know who’s an expert on anything interesting. Well, the Usual
Suspects turned to me and said, “Duh, your brother. You know, the brewery owner?”
Oh yeah. And he says, “Sure, love to. Only…wouldn’t my business partner, Liz
Crowe, be a better fit? Seeing as she’s not only a beer expert but a
multi-pubbed author as well?”
yeah. Hell yeah!
Liz was game to answer my gazillion questions. Read on to gain a little insight
into an author of erotic, emotionally complex, singularly modern stories and
why fans read her not so much for the standard “HEA” but rather the
“WHA” (“What Happens After?”).
Keely: Welcome,
Liz, thanks so much for being our topic expert this month! I’ll jump right in
with a burning question: In fiction, each genre has a certain set of
characteristics that consumers rely on. The same can be said for different
kinds of beer. What kind of beer do you suggest romance readers drink as they
hunker down with their favorite subgenres?
Liz: I'm
going to twist this around a little and give you a taste of how I relate beer
to my writing process. I am a hard and fast "hop head" thanks
to my work as a brewery owner and marketing director so I reach for my own
brewer's lovely, bitter, astringent India pale lager for my early creative
process. Sometimes I will alternate with a malty amber lager. I find that
having a bottle of craft beer next to the keyboard spurs my creativity in a
very positive way. But once I reach the hard core editing process (the stage
that many budding authors hit and give up at because honestly, if your editor
is singing your praises during this stage--you need a new editor. Your editor
is NOT there to be your cheerleader. He or she is there to make you better and
the only way to make you better is to push you, challenge you and make you
think hard about your characters' motivations, your word choices and your
storytelling. It's a tough moment as a writer, but one that you truly owe it to
yourself to experience). So at THAT moment, I'm reaching for the higher
alcohol, darker brews.
when I hit the post line editing or galley stages, it's straight Kentucky
bourbon all the way!
Keely: I’m
a dark beer drinker, the chewier the better. A good friend of mine loves only
Belgian beer brands. And another is happy with plain old Miller Lite. What goes
into different beers to give them such a variety of flavor? Do you find one
style of beer is more popular at the Wolverine State Brewing Company Tap Room
than others?

However, as tastes evolved and more folks
wanted a lighter taste to their daily brew, rice syrup was added to make the
natural amber color of any typical beer yellow. Now all sorts of crazy
shit is added to make funky brews, but that's a story for another blog most
"stout" or "chewy" beer is a result of deep, dark, rich
malts that go in as the original ingredient. Then a bit of light hops are
added and an ale yeast is used to create the flavors you refer to---the fruity,
pruney esters that are the natural result of fermenting on an ale yeast.
however you use the four main ingredients of beer is how beer SHOULD be altered.
What malt you start with, be it light, dark, chocolate, crystal or anything in
between, plus the style and amount of hops you add next, then the type of yeast
you call upon to ferment the wort is how beers are made different, fun, and
Keely: How did
you get into the beer business – and was it before or after you started
writing? I know you are also a Real Estate agent. My dad always said, ask a
busy person to get something done. Do you find juggling these three careers
helps keep you focused on getting stuff done? Do you have a daily word count
you try to make?

and his business partner had invented a lager beer they'd been selling around
Ann Arbor but in the way of people who succeed, they felt that had something
awesome and wanted to make it bigger. So they sought out a marketing
professional. Urban legend is that I am the only one they talked to---I'm going
with that.
knew very little about beer, much less craft beer and told him as much but they
promised to teach me that part. So I chronicled my craft beer journey, from
beer school sessions with our newly hired brewer to brewing days with said
brewer all the way to the grand opening, in my blog: www.a2beerwench.com. I have a huge reach
with this blog and support it with a FaceBook and Twitter presence. I didn't
spend any real cash that first year in advertising, just working online and out
in the field, bringing beer to as many non profit events and other places where
I could run my mouth about our lager revolution.

Keely: Liz, the tag line on your website (www.lizcrowe.com) says, “Romance for Real
Life.” What do you mean by that? What sets the stories you write apart from
more traditional romance and why do you think that taps such a rich vein with
The Romance for Real Life tag line
was actually coined by one my fans--she is/was a "hard core" romance
reader, had never ventured much beyond the "canon" of accepted
publishers and writers until recently thanks in no small part to the 50 Shades
phenomenon. One of the vows many of us published authors made (oh, ok,
maybe it was just me but whatever) over this year of the "erotic romance
revolution" was to learn--learn from what has been introduced to a new
crowd of fresh readers. One of the ways I learned was to read what I did
not like, find what I truly did like and discover my spot within the spectrum
of options.
When I started my own writing
journey about four years ago I promised myself I would write what I wanted to
read. And what I wanted to read was more real than the majority of what I was
finding the deeper I delved into the erotic romance genre. Don't get me
wrong. My favorite authors in this realm remain among what I maintain are the
best at what they do: Lauren Dane, Shayla Black, Joey W. Hill---but not their
paranormal stuff. I am neither entertained nor titillated by vampires,
were-anythings, angels, demons, ghosts or zombies. But that is just me,
so please don't be offended by this--"subjective" is the Name of the
Game here, as you well know if you have been reviewed.

It was truly an experiment in
"can I do it?" and, after my fair share of rejections from agents and
publishers alike, it finally found a home.
But the interesting thing
about my entire backlist is that you can apply the "real" moniker to
pretty much every book or series I have written. My readers use words
like "frustrating," "aggravating," "made me want to
hurl my kindle at the wall," but to a person, I always hear, "When
can I get more?"
It's a combination of my
voice, which is realistic and down to earth and the situations that make my
characters react like real human beings--they make stupid mistakes, say idiotic
things at the wrong moment, learn, fail, succeed and keep trying. And for the
most part are NOT billionaires but people who own businesses and work hard--and
play hard---every day.
Keely: Your
upcoming release, Paradise Hops, is set in a brewery. Give us a
sense of how that book came together. The inspiration for the setting seems
clear – the Tap Room. Did that come first, or did you have a character at loose
ends who decided to go down to the pub for a drink but took a detour into your
story instead?

“What?” He
winced at the sound of his harsh voice.
“I will take those
tickets, thanks, but in the meantime I need to tell you a little story.”
“I don’t have
time for—“
“You will for
this one.”
He turned and
glared at her, but she sat and arranged herself for a long chat.
Brockton was the biggest tomboy, the toughest teenager, the most amazing,
smart, beautiful girl.” She stopped, as if to gather her thoughts. “Her mother
died when she was twelve. Cancer took her in something like six months. It was
awful. Her father was…is a tough man, and he took over her teen-aged years that
way, on his own. They fought, good Lord did they fight. But he loved her and
thought he was doing the right thing, making her defend herself about
everything from her hair color which turned pink one year to her college
Garrett shifted
in his seat. He wasn’t sure he wanted to hear any more, but she went on.
“She graduated
from Michigan with honors, and an acceptance letter to medical school, but she
balked. Something happened. Probably her dad pushed her hard one too many times.
She turned it down, took a job selling prescription drugs and bought herself a
little house. She did well, for about three years, and then she met that
Garrett’s hands
clenched into fists under the desk.
“After that
terrible incident, she literally became a different person. She wouldn’t leave
her dad’s house, stayed in her old room for months. Made her dad get rid of the
piano she loved. We all tiptoed around here for almost a year. Mr. B would blow
up at the slightest provocation, but we all let him do it. We understood.” She
shook her head, and wiped her eyes. Garrett frowned but didn’t know what to say
so he kept his mouth shut.
“Finally, one
day nearly a year and a half ago now, she appeared, a shrunken, scared version
of herself. Her father declared her ‘well’ and ‘ready to work’ and that’s when
the rotations began. She started in distribution, worked the warehouse for
about nine months. Then went to the pub, doing everything from food prep, to
bartending. I was so worried about her. She lost more weight, hardly talked to
anyone. We all said we’d give anything to witness a good knock down drag out
between her and her father, like the old days.”
Garrett looked
out the window, realizing where this was headed. He closed his eyes and fought
the need to get up and pace.
“Then, Mr. B.
tells us he’s hired a manager. A general business manager. Someone who will
take over most likely, and here you are.” Mrs. Anderson stared at him, making
him squirm. “The old Lori is back, Garrett, and we have you to thank. But that
means you have to understand her, stop trying to be so controlling because that Lori won’t be controlled.
Thinking you can will only lead to your unhappiness.”
She stood.
“I’ve watched you and her. I see what’s happening, and I can’t think of a
better thing than for you two to be together. You balance each other, but only
if you are willing to let go a little. Otherwise, it will never work.”
He frowned.
“So, who’s giving her the little pep talk about how swell I am?” He couldn’t
help himself.
The woman
smiled and patted his shoulder. “Oh, hon, Lori has twenty or so moms and big
sisters, and even a few big brothers, in this building. I’m pretty sure
somebody has, or is right now.”
“I hate
“But you love
He nodded, not
She smiled at
him. “Well then, that’s really all you need. Trust me. That and patience.
She’ll see the light.”
She turned to
go as her desk phone started ringing. Then threw out something that Garrett
would remember for a long time. “You know, as much as I hate to admit it, it’s
as if between you and that horrible man Eli, you brought our Lori back.” She
smiled, but he felt his heart sink to his feet.
Keely: You
are a wizard at PR. Have you learned anything promoting Wolverine Beer that
you’ve applied to your writing career and/or vice versa? Do you have any tips
for authors on effective self-promotion and how to get the most bang for your
promotional buck?

get me wrong---have a blog platform and use it to practice writing. The only
way to practice writing…is to write. So you can blog, daily, if you want, but
writing a FaceBook post or a Twitter update is not writing. It's promoting.
Understand the difference.
Keely: Last,
you have several stand alone titles and two very successful book series
published. After the release of Paradise Hops, what’s next for you?

Thanks for this Keely! I welcome all
questions and comments and hope you get a chance to read my books soon!
thanks for having me!! I'm going to award a free signed ebook from the Stewart Series or Paradise Hops to one commenter/questioner.
Liz - so glad you could be with us this week - AND a book give away? Sniff, sniff, I smell something to be thankful for!!
ReplyDeleteWriting and beer - what a great combo! I have a pile of revisions to get through and a beer just might make them easier, even if it is only 9:30 in the morning...
ReplyDeleteSeriously, I have an important question to ask a beermaker - I was diagnosed with gluten intolerance five years ago. Is there such thing as a good gluten-free beer or should I just sip some red wine and enjoy fond memories of GOOD beers? (BTW, I'm a dark-ale-to-stout, the-more-bitter-the-better kid of girl..)
Your stories sound GREAT - going to check them out
Liz - Hi! I love your book trailers (I think I've featured two on my weekly USAToday column) and I was wondering how book trailers fit in with a promo platform and how important they are.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Robin Covington
morning ladies. Yeah Keely I'm all about making YOUR thanksgiving better (check your email)
ReplyDeleteJoy: there are such thing as gluten free beers. A few craft makers do them making them from things like sugar beets instead of malt. I have not met one that I found truly drinkable yet but I think it could be done. Just will take some time. I hope you enjoy my books.
Robin: YES you have and thank you so much! You know, I have mixed feelings about trailers. I came into this publishing thing viewing them as pure author ego-stroking. And in a way, they are. However, as many of you know, any excuse you can find to promote your book in the teeming sea of books that exist is a Good Thing. The problem is many of them are....very bad. I would recommend that if you plan to use one, find a very good producer---which, believe it or not, could be as close as your nearest teenager with IMovie.
Keely and Liz,
ReplyDeleteWhat a great interview--so informative! I can't believe you even have time to write, Liz. And here I am complaining because I have to load the dishwasher twice a day. :-) Two jobs and a writing career...I don't know whether that inspires or depresses me.
I loved your excerpt. I can't wait to read the whole book!
Hi Kimberly,
ReplyDeletethanks, I think you will like Paradise Hops and if you have time commit to a series, the Stewart series is a lot of fun.
As for being depressed v. inspired, I'd go with "head shaking at her obvious insanity." especially during weeks like this one!
cheer and happy reading
Thank you for the great excerpt.
ReplyDeleteI loved learning more about brewing. its a field my husband and children are deeply interested in. As consumers not brewers.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
you are very welcome. I hope you get a chance to read some of my books.
Hi Keely! Hi Liz, nice to "meet" you. I reallly enjoyed your conversation ladies. I have consumed one beer in my lifetime, the bottle cap is in my desk drawer with the date written on the inside...Michelob Ultra, 2-13-2010. I might not be able to drink the stuff, but I sure would love to read about it ;) Happy Thanksgiving ladies and good luck, Liz, with your wonderful writing.
ReplyDeleteLoved this interview! I checked out your "brew" site and the only regret is you don't ship to the west coast so I can try some :(
ReplyDeleteWill head over to take a look at your books now! Happy Thanksgiving!
Liz ~ Thanks for guest blogging for R8 this week. What a great range of expertise. I love it. You've blended all your strengths and experiences into such a great brand--marketing, beer brewing, and real estate all brought together in erotic romance novels. Wonderful. It all goes to show that experience is never wasted on a writer! Thanks for all the great knowledge you shared with us this week. We appreciate your time & hard work. ;0)
ReplyDeleteThanks guys! as for the Mich Ultra we'll let that slide Carelene if you are willing to read about it via my books! I hope you all get a chance to give them a try!
ReplyDeleteHappy early Thanksgiving.
Hi, Keely and Liz! What a fun and informative post! Liz, this is a great reminder that I need to read your work--I knew I recognized your name from the Happy Ever After blog! :-) Your books sound so inviting--the problem is knowing where to start. Sounds like the Stewart Series is a prime candidate. And I'm so impressed by all that you manage to do!
ReplyDeletehey Kathy thanks! Yes, but you could also try Paradise Hops, it's my most recent stand alone and received the JERR Gold Star award in November. But both Sweat Equity (book 2) and Essence of Time (book 4) in the Stewart series did too. My advice is to start with Floor Time but keep the first 3 on hand as they flow pretty quickly together and I'm told that you will not want to delay especially between books 2 and 3. I hope you enjoy them! Happy Thanskgiving!
ReplyDeleteHi Liz - Thank you so much for being a guest at our blog. I love that you've been able to blend so many diverse interests into a career. Good luck with your latest release.