Wednesday, January 2, 2019
Word of the Year 2019!
Happy New Year! Can you believe it's 2019 already?
Well, it's true that the R8 have been MIA for the last few - ahem - years. We all had Life happen with a capital L, and consequently the blog kind of fell by the wayside. But we are still here, we are still writing, and we want to ring in the new year with you!
So here are the words we have chosen to define our 2019. We hope that the coming year brings you everything you have hoped for and more!
Nichole Christoff
Word: Gear
Why this one: Whether we’re talking high, low, forward, or reverse, “gear” is my Word of the Year because it’s a good reminder to keep on keepin’ on. I figure gettin’ it in gear is the only way to reach the next destination on this road called Life. If I’m not ready to roll, Life could pass me by, and I don’t want that. So, whether my progress is slow or quick, I want to engage that gear.
Why this year: With the latest two Jamie Sinclair novels having hit the virtual bookshelves in 2018 and new works-in-progress for 2019, now is the perfect time to remind myself that there will be obstacles on the road ahead, maybe a detour or two, but I can put in plenty of mileage, too. By getting myself in gear, I’ll get where I want to go. And so will you.
So! “Gear” is my Word of the Year! Throughout 2019, feel free to keep in touch. You can find me, my books, and all my social media links at
Misha Crews
Word: Through
Why This Word: A few months ago, I was very despondent. I was far from home, having recently transplanted myself to the west coast, and life was not looking quite as sparkly as usual (which is quite a bit of an understatement). Suddenly, my sadness was overtaken by this thought: Wow, I am really going through something. And if I'm going through it, then at some point, I will come out the other side.
Why This Year: At the end of August 2018, my mother passed away very suddenly. That loss is one which can never be reversed. Although I do believe in an afterlife and I know we will see each other again, I will be without her for the rest of this lifetime. And that fact, to put it poetically, sucks big time. The adjustment period after this bereavement is a major part of what I have been going through.
I looked up the origin of "through" (researching word origins is one of my favorite forms of therapy), and it comes from a Dutch word meaning "door," which can be traced back even further, meaning "to cross over, pass through, overcome." There is a peaceful resonance to the idea that I am passing through a door, crossing over stress and pain, and overcoming difficulty to reach calmer shores. It feels like a truth that I can hold on to when waters get rough and stormy.
Robert Frost said, "The best way out is always through." Well, sometimes it's also the only way out. So, that's what I'm going to do in 2019: steer through my uncertainty and my grief, and find my way to the happiness and productivity that waits on the other side.
Mackenzie Lucas
Word: Rebuild
Why This Word: As the definition states, the word rebuild means to build somehting again after it has been damaged or destroyed. I’m totally restructuring my life, from the ground up.
Why This Year: I’ve just gone through a year of tearing down, or as my tarot friends say, I’ve been towered. It’s been a year full of loss. I went through a separation and divorce this past year. My nest is totally empty—the last of my boys has gone away to college. And I lost my dad this past year; my sole surviving parent. Thus, I’m an orphan. So the new year is all about rebuilding for me. And, girl, I’ve got a lot of rebuilding to do. It’s all good, I swear. If not a little hard. A fresh start. Right? I have the chance to start at ground zero and create something fresh and new. The possibilities are limitless. Which is exciting, if a little scary. But after the year I’ve had, I think I’m ready for the challenge and chance to restructure my future. And no matter how much you prepare for eventualities (lost relationships, empty nests, and the death of loved ones), the actual life events and grieving process can be so much harder to deal with in real life than you’d ever expect. Yet, there is life on the other side. So here’s to rebuilding! Let’s do this. Bring it, 2019.
Keely Thrall
Word: Ship
Why this one: Two reasons. 1) Hello! Romance writer, here. I'm all about the ship - friendships, courtships, relationships, loveships (would should totally be a word). Shipping fictional characters to Happily Ever After Island is the core of my writing mission. 2) It's time to ship my work and give my characters a chance to explore the world beyond the contest circle.
Why this year: In 2018, I made a number of small, crucial shifts in the hows of my life (my ecosystem of habits) so that I could focus more intentionally on my writing and what I want from it. What I discovered in the process is that I'm tired of being unpublished. I'm tired of holding back and hugging the shorelines, letting doubt whisper in my ear of shipwrecks and storms. At the dawn of 2019, I say: it's time to cast off for Romancelandia. I'm ready to set sail and ride the waves of adventure to meet my fortune. I am, in fact, ready to make like a captain and ship.
Sunday, September 11, 2016
Fifteen Years Later
The Rockville 8 honors all of the fallen heroes from that terrible day and the loved ones they left behind. We will never forget.
Peace to all.
Peace to all.
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Photo by David Handschuh/NY Daily News Archive via Getty Images |

Sunday, September 4, 2016
Welcome Author Lori Ann Bailey!
This week, the Rockville 8 welcomes guest author Lori Ann Bailey who has graciously agreed to join us here. We're thrilled to hear about her new release, Highland Deception.
The End... or Is It?
Lately, I’ve seen lots of authors posting pictures or notices
when they finish their work in progress announcing that they wrote the two
words… The End. Much applause and celebrating ensues, and rightfully so, but until
I started seeing these posts, it never occurred to me to write “The End” or “Happily
Ever After” at the close of a book I had just written.
Which got me thinking, why have I never done this and why is
there some part of me that feels I can’t, that it’s just inherently wrong for
me and would somehow cause a rift in the universe if I did so? Don’t get me
wrong, I think it’s great for others to be proud of finishing a manuscript and
celebrating, but for some reason now, those two little words make me cringe.
Maybe it stems from the idea that as a reader, I don’t
always enjoy reaching the conclusion of a book that I’m so heavily invested in
the characters that I want to keep reading. Those words make everything so
final. Even now as a writer, when I craft my stories, I’m already thinking
ahead to how my secondary character’s stories are going to play out and how my
current hero and heroine are going to be part of their lives.
To me the end of a novel is just the start of the
character’s story. It’s a way to get to the beginning. The struggles my
characters have to face are just the catalyst that brings their lives together.
My husband and I have been married for eighteen years and while I can recount
how we met, how we fell in love and every detail of our wedding, it’s
everything that has happened since then that is “our story.” We’ve had
children, lived in several places, had disagreements, and wonderful memories of
doing special things together.
To me, my characters are real and they deserve life after my
manuscript whether I write it or not, they have the possibility for a future.
In my debut, Highland Deception, Lachlan and Maggie find love, but they still
have friends and family looking for that special someone. They will be part of
these other character’s stories.
So I’ve never considered writing those fateful words at the
end of a novel but now, after some deliberation, I have considered writing,
Highland Deception
Scotland, 1642. Maggie and Lachlan must fight their growing attraction, battling suspicion and intrigue as religious and political turmoil threaten to tear their clans apart.
He has sworn he will never marry.
Lachlan Cameron is honor bound to see a wounded lass to safety, although he has well learned women are deceivers, and this lovely maid harbors a wealth of secrets. But Maggie's free spirit and charms enthrall him while he works to discover if she is innocent…or a spy scheming with his enemies to destroy his clan.
She has sworn she will never fall in love.
Maggie Murray fled her home to avoid a political marriage to an abusive man. Salvation comes when the Cameron laird, unaware of her identity, protects her as she escapes. His kindness slowly warms her, and she’s tempted to confess her real name. But his strong sense of honor would force him to return her to her father…and torment at the hands of her scorned betrothed.
Purchase Highland Deception here:
Excerpt from Highland Deception
Maggie rose, pulled her skirts up,
and waded into the water while Lachlan remained close on the beach, but she
noticed he stayed watchful of their surroundings. The cool water was
refreshing. She sighed then turned to take in the full view of him. “Would ye
force a woman to do something she doesnae wish, if it got ye something ye
Lachlan’s gaze returned to her.
“Not unless it was for the good of the clan.”
An image of Conall flashed in her
head, and she shuddered as dread washed over her. It was the answer all men in
his position would give.
“But I would listen to her
reasons,” he continued. “Sometimes women see things we dinnae.”
She breathed out. Even though her
reservations about revealing her identity lingered, it was nice to know he was
willing to listen. Would her reasons be sufficient to appeal to him as a man?
She thought he might listen, because he didnae seem the type to force his
sister into an abusive marriage. He’d let her go out on her own.
As squealing children ran by, cold
droplets speckled Maggie’s legs, and she made a small shriek as the liquid sent
chills through her. One of the boys heard her and turned then splashed her
again. Suppressing a giggle, she reached down to cup a handful of water and
toss it back. She dropped her skirt, and it fell into the water.
The lad laughed, and they continued
back and forth. A stream of water hit her headpiece. She scooped up and aimed,
but he ran just out of reach and took off to join the friends who were calling
to him. Pulling the wet headpiece off, she ran her fingers through her hair,
and when she looked back at Lachlan, he had a boyish sideways grin on his face.
Well, it wasn’t that innocent. He suddenly looked as if he wanted to devour
Her chest tightened, and her core
clenched. Something about the way he looked at her made her want to taste him,
too, and she didn’t even know what that meant.
“Come here, lass.” His deep voice
washed over her and sent waves of excitement coursing through her.
Swallowing, she sauntered toward
him. His arms snaked around her waist and pulled her flush to his chest as his
lips crashed down on hers, causing tingles to erupt on her skin and need to
ignite in her core. The kiss was warm and slow, strong and possessive. She
melted into it.
When his tongue delved into her
mouth, she returned the caress and rose up on her toes to get closer and her
arms gripped onto his hips. Being in his arms held a strange appeal she wanted
to spend more time exploring, learning why her body turned into a wobbly mess
when any part of her brushed up against him.
Water spattered her cheek, and the
kiss broke. The boy and his friends laughed, and she looked at Lachlan.
He had not been spared, either.
Drops of liquid streamed down the side of his face. He looked dazed. She would
have expected him to be annoyed with the boys, but he continued to study her as
if she were the only person in Scotland. Fighting back the blush this time, she
licked her lips. She wouldn’t be ashamed of wanting him.
“Ye know I want ye, lass.”
“Aye.” She wanted him, too.
His hand rose and caressed her
cheek. It trailed down until one finger was left tracing her lips. She gasped.
She started to quiver with anticipation, then he backed away. “Tonight,” he

Sunday, August 28, 2016
Bucket Lists
Here at the Rockville 8 we had a recent conversation about bucket lists. Here are some of the items we came up with. What's on yours?
Misha Crews
1) Hike the Appalachian Trail: I'm putting this one at the top
because it's by far the least likely thing I'll accomplish. Although I love
Nature, I mostly appreciate her from a bug-free, climate-controlled
environment. But I've been fascinated by the A.T. ever since I was a child, and
despite the unlikelihood, I still have the hiking of it on my bucket list. I
take comfort from the fact that Emma Gatewood first hiked the Trail when she
was 67, and Lee Barry completed a through-hike at the age of 81. So I have a
few years to build up my strength (and my nerve) and make a go of it.
2) Spend a year doing volunteer work: I'm privileged to
know some amazing people who give most/all of their time to humanitarian
efforts. Although I've occasionally been invited to participate (all great
projects need warm bodies to fill the ranks), I've never been able to do more
than help in a very peripheral way. I'd love to be able to take a solid year,
or more, and do whatever needs doing: disaster relief, literacy programs,
homeless shelters, whatever. To paraphrase George Harrison, it would sure do me
good to do some good.

Keely Thrall

2) Go back to school to earn a Ph.D. In what? Who knows. I think the subject matter is less important to me than the journey and the accomplishment of tackling a rigorous challenge. I’m not an academic by nature (I like to make s*** up and that clashes with things like insuring you get your facts straight), but I love academia and the environment of learning.

Lisa McQuay

2) Go back to school to get a degree in something just for the love of learning. It would be something like English, Journalism, History, or a foreign language. Possibly doing this with an eye to teaching that thing that I love learning.
3) Start a non-profit program to help people, especially those suffering from illness. There are so many people who are having difficulty. Even small gestures mean a lot to those who are not well. There are so many opportunities to do good things.
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Monday, August 22, 2016
Eye Candy
The hot weather made us think of other things that are hot, both past and present. Enjoy!
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Hugh Jackman |
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Gregory Peck |
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Gene Kelly and Donald O'Connor |
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Ryan Reynolds |
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Gary Cooper |

Monday, August 15, 2016
Monday Needs a Laugh!
Who doesn't need a laugh on a Monday? Here are a few favorite chuckles from some of us at the Rockville 8. We hope they make you smile!
Nichole Christoff
What do you call an alligator who is also a detective? An investigator!
Misha Crews
Why is the farmer a pillar of his community? Because he's always outstanding in his field.
Lisa McQuay
What do you get if you cross an elephant and a rhinoceros? Elephino
Why couldn't the flower ride his bike? His petals fell off.
What do you call a computer that sings? A Dell
Keely Thrall
Let's makes like a shepherd and get the flock outta here.
What do you call a deer with no eyes? No idear.
What do you call a deer with no eyes and no legs? Still no idear.
What do you call a hot sheep? A wooly sweater.
Your turn!
Do you have a joke to share?
Nichole Christoff
What do you call an alligator who is also a detective? An investigator!
Misha Crews
Why is the farmer a pillar of his community? Because he's always outstanding in his field.
Lisa McQuay
What do you get if you cross an elephant and a rhinoceros? Elephino
Why couldn't the flower ride his bike? His petals fell off.
What do you call a computer that sings? A Dell
Keely Thrall
Let's makes like a shepherd and get the flock outta here.
What do you call a deer with no eyes? No idear.
What do you call a deer with no eyes and no legs? Still no idear.
What do you call a hot sheep? A wooly sweater.
Your turn!
Do you have a joke to share?
J. Keely Thrall,
Lisa McQuay,
Misha Crews,
Nichole Christoff
Sunday, August 7, 2016
Making Waves and Memories
Since I just returned from vacation, I thought I'd tell a story in pictures. I didn't do any writing, but as Stephen Covey suggested, I sharpened the saw. In other words, I rejuvenated myself and just allowed my mind to let go of everything that's been stressing me.
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Storm rolling in. (copyright) |
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Aftermath of the storm. (copyright) |
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The pier. I loved the colors. (copyright) |
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Fishing boat. The stark white boat looks so fresh and crisp against the sky. (copyright) |
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After being inside for ten minutes, my daughter said, "I"m worried about the sand crab. Can I go check on him?" She went back to rescue him. Even prouder of her concern. (copyright) |
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My husband and daughter in the foreground, leaving the Wright Brothers Memorial, the site of the brother's first flight. (copyright) |
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A serene sunset. (copyright) |
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All three of us were sunburned on various parts of our bodies. I'm in the foreground on the raft, my daughter in the ring. My husband said I looked like a sarcophagus. (copyright) |
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Sunset at the national park. (copyright) |
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A wedding at the nearby pier, on the top floor. I thought it looked magical with all of the lights. My husband is in the doorway downstairs. (copyright) |
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Two pictures of the pool and the steps to the beach on our last night. I loved looking at the pool at night. (copyright) |

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