Wrapping up the summer here at the Rockville 8, and turning
our thoughts toward the fall. What did you do during YOUR summer vacation?
Marjanna Bogan:
Horseshoe crab.
Stuck on the rocks. You have so many legs and a very spikey tail.
Horseshoe crab.
Stuck on the rocks. Are those really eyes on your shell or just camo?
Horseshoe crab.
Stuck on the rocks. Stretching your stretchless exoskeleton to free yourself.
Horseshoe crab.
Stuck on the rocks. If I rescue you, am I going against nature?
Horseshoe crab.
Stuck on the rocks. I feel you are a metaphor for my summer.
This summer.
I buried my
father and rescued a horseshoe crab that was stuck on the rocks.
Technically, we
threw Dad under the boat.
I did, however,
actually pull the horseshoe crab free from where he (she? who the hell knows)
was wedged in the rocks by the surf.
I also drank a
lot of vodka. With and without family and friends. I'm not sure if one or the
other makes it taste better. Perhaps I should experiment more with that.
But I expect I
have the autumn for that.
Twisted! That
sums up my summer. First, the spring weather got twisted and thought it was
summer. Then, summer cooled down and behaved like spring. That make for great
opportunities to get outdoors--until I twisted my ankle. My high grade sprain
should be all healed by New Year's. In the meantime, I'm ready for full-on
fall. Bring on the pumpkins and falling leaves! I'm nearly done with my latest
novel and I'm starting a new day job. I'm an adjunct professor at a small,
private university. So no more twists and turns, please. At least, not until
Misha Crews:


Lisa McQuay:
Summer is my favorite season of the year. I’m happiest during this time of year. I love all of the daylight hours we
have. Being able to run out the front
door without bundling up. Not having to
study with my daughter for a vocabulary quiz or run around and get tons of
things for a school project. Walk the
dogs in the evening after the day cools off.
This past summer was a busy one for me. Working full time, volunteering as treasurer,
attending the RWA National conference, and shuttling my daughter between summer
activities, doctor, dentist and orthodontist appointments left little time for
deep introspection. The week long
vacation to Nags Head, NC was a welcome break that ended all too quickly.
My father’s birthday always falls somewhere around Labor Day
weekend, so a family party is always on tap sometime in the three days we’re
off. This weekend, the party falls on
Sunday so I’m busy baking a cake, making macaroni salad and buying a gift. My brother volunteered to bring the ribs so
I took him up immediately on his offer.
I did some writing in between all this but not as much as I
wanted to. So, now that fall is around
the corner and school has started, I’m rededicating myself. Right after the birthday party…
is on deadline, hard at work finishing up a piece for an anthology, so she was
not able to submit something for this blog piece. We’re super excited for her
coming publication. Go, Evie, go!

Shellie Williams:

Love this blog, Rockville 8. Marjanna, my condolences again on the loss of your father, but as always I am heartened by your overall views on life, the yin and yang. Mackenzie...mucho congratulations to a wonderful writer. Essence will be top of my list. Evie Owens! yay for being on deadline! Misha and Lisa and Shellie and Keely and Nicholle...you all inspire. Keep up the fabulous work!